The AQHA awards numerous achievement levels each show season to Horses, Youth and Amateurs that have excelled in an individual discipline.
Points are allocated towards these awards from approved shows and shows run by approved Performance Bodies.
May be awarded by the Association at its discretion to any registered quarter horse.
Register of Merit Halter
Requires twenty (20) halter points, of which at least fifteen (15) must be ‘A’ points.
Register of Merit Performance
Requires twenty (20) points in more than one (1) performance class, excluding Racing, of which at least fifteen (15) must be ‘A’ points.
Register of Merit (Any Single Performance Class)
Requires twenty (20) points, of which at least fifteen (15) must be ‘A’ points.
Superior Halter Horse
Requires sixty (60) halter points, of which at least thirty (30), must be ‘A’ points.
Superior Performance Horse (Any single Performance class)
Requires sixty (60) points, of which at least thirty (30) must be ‘A’ points.
Century Awards (Halter or Any Single Performance Class)
Bronze Century 100 points - Minimum of 75 “A” points
Silver Century 200 points - Minimum of 150 “A” points
Gold Century 300 points - Minimum of 225 “A” points
Australian Quarter Horse Champion
May be awarded by the Association, at its discretion, to any registered horse after it has:
- twenty (20) Halter points, of which at least fifteen (15) must be ‘A’ points; and
- twenty (20) points in each of two (2) separate performance classes, of which at least fifteen (15 must be ‘A’ points in each of the two (2) separate performance classes; and
- ten (10) points at State or National level (horses born after 1.8.94).
AQHA Supreme Champion
May be awarded by the Association, at its discretion, to any registered horse after it has:
- Superior Award in Halter; and
- three (3) Superior Performance awards in any class; and
- a ROM in one (1) of the following Racing, Steer Wrestling, Calf Roping, Campdraft, Cutting or Working Cowhorse.
Note: This ROM must not be from the previous three (3) Superior Awards, and been awarded twenty five (25) points or more at National or State Championship classes.
Any of the Awards, listed below, may be awarded at the Associations discretion.
Points from Amateur, Select Amateur and Novice Amateur classes applied.
Amateur/Select Register of Merit for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Requires twenty (20) points in a single class, fifteen (15) of which must be ‘A’ points.
Amateur/Select Superior Register of Merit for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Requires fifty (50) points in a single class, twenty five (25) of which must be “A” points.
Amateur/Select Champion Award for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Requires three (3) Amateur/Select Amateur Registers of Merit in any single Amateur/Select Amateur class.
Amateur/Select Versatility Award for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Register of Merit Awards in five (5) different Amateur or Select Amateur classes.
Amateur Century Awards
(Halter or any Single Performance Class)
May be awarded by the Association, at its discretion, to any Exhibitor and registered quarter horse after it has been awarded the following points:
Bronze Century 100 points - Minimum 75 “A” points
Silver Century 200 points - Minimum 150 “A” points
Gold Century 300 points - Minimum 225 “A” points
Any of the Awards, listed below, may be awarded at the Associations discretion.
Points from Youth and Novice Youth classes applied.
Youth Register of Merit for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Requires twenty (20) points in a single class, fifteen (15) of which must be ‘A’ points.
Youth Superior Register of Merit for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Requires fifty (50) points in a single class, twenty five (25) of which must be “A” points.
Youth Versatility Award for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Register of Merit Awards in five (5) different Youth classes.
Youth Champion Award for Exhibitor and registered Quarter Horse
Requires fifty (50) or more points in five (5) different classes, twenty five(25) of which must be "A".