AQHA Professional Horsemen




 Pro Horsemen Committee

Chairperson – Dave Caleo

Secretary - Leanne Bartlett 

Treasurer - Liz Keating

   Committee Members

Lorelei Payne

Kane Skopp


Pro Horsemen Committee AGM

April 2025

Venue and date to be confirmed


AQHA Pro Horsemen

Dave Caleo (Portfolio Director)





 The AQHA serves to foster credibility, proficiency, and advocacy, through the endorsement of superior industry standards, that will enable professionals to excel in a sustainable career and to encourage further education in the Equine industry.

Membership of this Division is a privilege, not a right, subject to continual review.

Admittance to this Division is not a statement of the ability of the Trainer/Clinician

As such, members must understand and agree that the AQHA has the right to investigate complaints regarding a member’s alleged conduct. Further, such member must cooperate in the investigation and abide by decisions concerning application approval and revocation of membership.


As members of the AQHA Professional Horsemen, in carrying out our role of providing service to the AQHA industry, we recognize the need to do so in a professional manner, and to deal with the public and our colleagues with the highest degree of integrity. Therefore, we have set forth the following creed which shall govern our endeavours to fulfil our obligations:

To adhere to the professional standards of the Australian Quarter Horse Association and to work to further its goals and objectives.

To ensure that the welfare of the AQHA is paramount and that every horse shall, always, be treated humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion.

To monitor show grounds for inhumane treatment and for two (2) members of this Division to discuss unacceptable training or inhumane treatment with the offenders on site.

To conduct all business affairs with integrity, sincerity and accuracy in an open and forthright manner.

To act with integrity in financial dealings with clients, other professionals and the public. 

To handle our business and operations in a manner which promotes the image of the Australian Quarter Horse industry.

To instil confidence among clients and the public in the Australian Quarter Horse industry, avoiding any action conducive to discrediting it or membership of the Australian Quarter Horse Association.

An application form must be completed and sent with payment to the AQHA. This fee is payable annually and due for payment by the 1st August in any year.

If a person is admitted to this Division, they will be entitled to have their name listed in the AQHA magazine and on the AQHA website and to carry the title of “Member of the AQHA Professional Horsemen”


A Limited Pro Horsemen division has been established to encourage new trainers in our industry. To be eligible for the Limited Division you must be a financial AQHA member and hold a current AQHA Professional Horsemen Permit. Specific classes have been established to allow trainers to compete in classes where they will gain more experience. (see Forms)

Following are the Levels of Attainment,  that will be allocated to each applicant upon acceptance and will be upgraded when required:

LEVELS OF ATTAINMENT requirements when applying:

Level 1 – this Professional will have Public Liability Insurance and a Working With Children’s card and must have their First Aid Certificate within 3 months of applying

Level 2 – this Professional will have Public Liability Insurance, Working With Children’s card, First Aid Certificate and completed the Unit of Competency AHCWHS301 - Contribute to work health and safety processes. To complete this course contact Australian Equine Institute on 1300 EQUINE (1300 378 463)

Level 3 – this Professional will have attained all that is listed in Level 2 and be a current AQHA Judge


professional horsemen listing

professional horsemen forms