Horse Status Notification



  1. GELDED: Please fill out the form below and submit to the AQHA Office.
  2. DISPOSAL OF A HORSE Deceased, Disposed of, Sold, (Registered or unregistered)

The Association must be advised within thirty (30) days of the death, sale or disposal of any horse Registered with the Association.

This can be done in writing to the Association and the original Registration Certificate must accompany the notification , or

The owner, as per Association records, can submit a notification online,  and must send the  original Registration Certificate to the Association by email,  mail or fax, within 14 days of notification or a penalty fee will apply.

If  a registered horse is sold or disposed of, without papers, and the owner does not inform the Association within thirty (30) days of the sale or disposal, the Association will transfer ownership of the horse to the new owner under the following conditions:

a) Purchaser to supply a Bill of Sale from the Vendor or proof of payment

b) Horse is to be PV to Association records

c) Purchaser to complete and sign a Transfer form

d) Purchaser to supply photos of the horse for verification to Association records

e) Purchaser to complete a Statutory Declaration outlining how they obtained the horse

d) The Association will request a signed transfer from the last recorded owner on two (2) occasions over a sixty (60) day period

e) If the transfer form is not forthcoming, and all other conditions in this rule are met, the horse will be transferred to the purchaser.

Application for Registration of an unregistered horse that has been sold or disposed of, that maybe eligible for registration:

If a horse is sold or disposed of and a breeding return has been lodged with the Association then the following will occur:

  1. The Association will contact the stallion owner. If stallion owner has forwarded registration application form to breeder of the said horse, the Association will contact the Breeder;
  2. If the breeder is not forthcoming with a Breeders Declaration then the Association will request a signed breeders declaration from the Breeder on two (2) occasions over a sixty (60) day period
  3. The applicant must meet  the following conditions:

         Applicant to supply Bill of Sale and/or proof of payment;

         Horse is to PV to association records;

         Applicant to supply photos of the horse for verification to Association records

         Applicant to complete a Statutory Declaration outlining how they obtained the horse

If all of the above conditions are met and the horse is eligible, the Association will register the horse after all genetic testing that is required has been completed.

The Association will not take any action on behalf of a member or non-member, who is in possession of a horse, that is not covered by the above rules.


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